Go from zero to technical in 30 minutes & from MBA to CTO in 3 hours with 1:1 coaching.

overlay overlay overlay overlay
understand design tradeoffs
choose a tech stack
think like a coder
validate ideas
plan an MVP
learn hard concepts
understand design tradeoffs
choose a tech stack
think like a coder
validate ideas
plan an MVP
learn hard concepts
interview engineers right
pitch investors smarter
build technical fluency
scale distributed systems
evaluate feasibility
attract tech talent
interview engineers right
pitch investors smarter
build technical fluency
scale distributed systems
evaluate feasibility
attract tech talent

Got an idea? Learn how to build it.

"I'd never built a website without squarespace before. In 15 minutes, Ben walked me through building a site that auto-synced content with my google docs."

- Allison Hartley

Understand the technical concepts you need to ace interviews, work with engineers, or grok code.

"I'm getting a business degree and barely ever touched a computer program. Fathom explained everything so clearly, and I got hands-on experience coding... enough to land a Product Manager job!"

- Cynthia Zhang

Choose from dozens of projects

Fine-tuned, full stack chatbot  Auto-sync a blog to Google Docs Solve an SQL murder mystery

Don't see something you like? We'll design a new personalized project.

With 20+ years' experience coding between our team of self-taught programmers and veteran devs...

We can help you learn anything.


Want to chat? Join a free 20 min call & build your first project.